B2B Sales and Intent Data

Supercharge your prospecting with critical intel and hidden buying signals


The most advanced sales intelligence available

Purchase intent

Avoid expensive long-term data contracts and access accurate prospecting data when you need it.

Competitive insight

Bad data wastes valuable resoures. We guarantee your prospect data will be 98% accurate from the moment it's delivered.

Key decision makers

We deliver clean .csv so you can instantly launch your campaign with ease and confidence.

Hidden firmographics

Avoid expensive long-term data contracts and access accurate prospecting data when you need it.


Bad data wastes valuable resoures. We guarantee your prospect data will be 98% accurate from the moment it's delivered.

And more

We deliver clean .csv so you can instantly launch your campaign with ease and confidence.

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„Upsell ist zweifellos die beste ausgelagerte Vertriebsorganisation, mit der ich je zusammengearbeitet habe.“

Fabian Rissing

Sales Director, Softarex DE


Our Proprietary Methodology

Intent Discovery

The first step is an in-depth client interview where we uncover which information is most likely to indicate a future buy.

Agregate Data

Next, we begin researching different accounts through web-scraping, proprietary databases, and manual web research.

Validate Intellgence

Finally, we call your target accounts to confirm the data and then turn over the intelligence to your sales team.


Fueling Revenue Has Never Been Easier

Deal Prioritization

Focus on the accounts who have indicated they’re likely to buy soon, while nurturing other opportunities in your pipeline.

Account Based Sales

Shorten the sales cycle, increase conversions, and accelerate revenue by targeting pre-qualified accounts.

Outbound Prospecting

Know exactly what to say in your outreach to maximize SDR efficiency and outbound results.

Market Research

Vet new markets, opportunities, or competitors before making significant investments.

Supercharge Your Revenue Operation

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Case study: Killinger Cleaning Service

“We’ve had the pleasure of working with Upsell over the course of several years now, and have found them to be tremendously accommodating. I recommend Upsell to anyone looking for a true sales partnership with a talented team of professionals.”

Siegfried Killinger, Owner


Leads Identified


Bereit für Wachstum?

Ein Mangel an neuen Geschäftsmöglichkeiten sollte keinen unnötigen Stress bei Ihnen verursachen. Wir bereiten Geschäft vor, Ihr Vertriebsteam schließt Geschäfte ab.